Some Important CodeIgniter Tutorial links

How to Integrate WordPress blog to your existing Website

Basically you can think of WP as a collection of functions or scripts that do specific things. If you want to have your site title to be somewhere on the page, you simply type in: This piece of code is all that is required on your part to achieve the desired affect. So let’s get down to brass tacks. Say you have a site all ready to go, and you only want to use WP to power the text of your site;

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How to Add Extra Sidebar to your WordPress Theme

Normally the wordpress theme has only one sidebar! But if you need more than one and want to switch some other theme with more sidebars. Then this tutorial is helpful for you Let me teach you how to add an extra sidebar or sidebars to your favorite theme. People who know PHP will find it easy to follow the code that I have provided in this tutorial. I am assuming that you already know HTML and a bit of CSS.
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How to get all data from database in code Igniter

function get_all_students()
$query = $this->db->get(‘students’);
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
$result = $query->result_array();
return $result;
return ‘0’;

// students is the table name of database

For details you may visit

How to Insert data to database in code Igniter

function add($input)
$student_data = array(
‘name’ => $input[‘name’],
‘roll’ => $input[‘roll’]
$test = $this->db->insert(‘students’, $student_data);

// Produces: INSERT INTO student (name, roll) VALUES (‘name’, ‘roll’)

How to print all data as a row of table in Code Igniter

<?php foreach($students as $row):
<td ><?php echo $row[‘name’];?></td>
<td ><?php echo $row[‘roll’];?></td>
/* Creating link on Edit */
<td><?php echo anchor(‘students/edit/’.$row[‘id’],’Edit‘);?></td>
/* Student is Controller name and Edit is the function if controller */
<?php endforeach; ?>

How to create form in Code Igniter Framework

<form method="post" 
action="<?= site_url('Controller_name/
Controller_function').'/'.$student['id']; ?>">
<h1>Add information of Data</h1>
<input type="text" name="name"> <lable>Name</label>
<input type="text" name="roll"> <label>roll</label>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">

PHP Tutorial for Beginner (It is very easy)

Hello, and welcome to my ultimate guide to PHP! I’m going to start from the beginning, and hopefully towards the end you’ll be able to know a lot of the basics of PHP, which will help you along the way to programming in the PHP language.

Chapter 1 – The Basics
Chapter 2 – Variables
Chapter 3 – Operators
Chapter 4 – If, Else, Switch
Chapter 5 – Functions
Chapter 6 – Arrays
Chapter 7 – Forms & Inputs
Chapter 8 – While, For, Foreach
Chapter 9 – Advanced Operators
Chapter 10 – Files
Chapter 11 – MySQL
Chapter 12 – External Files
Chapter 13 – E-Mail
Chapter 14 – Sessions
Chapter 15 – Date

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How to make a blog site

Suppose you need a blog site where you want to add a new page like  wordpress then you need to follow the following tips.

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